GISMO: overview of tips
- What is GISMO?
- What data is sent to and shown on the FRIS portal?
- Identification of funding sources
- How can I request a proxy for GISMO?
- Research discipline codes
- Expertise and keywords
- How to create a CV?
Module Person
- How do I manage the data on my profile page?
- How do I add activities and memberships?
- Where do I find an overview of my academic career (affiliations)?
- How do I add awards and distinctions?
- How do I get an ORCID?
Module Project
- How do I submit an application for BOF or IOF funding?
- How do I link external persons to an application for BOF or IOF funding?
- How do I complete the ethics questionnaire for a BOF or IOF application?
- How do I manage the ethical aspects of my project after being awarded BOF or IOF funding?
Granted project
- Where can I find an overview of my awarded projects and how do I update these?
- What happens to doctoral projects?
- How do I add projects which are not registered by the research administration ('externally managed projects')?
- Why can I not find my project in the research explorer or Biblio?
- What to do when VLAIO asks for the results of my project?
- How do I link publications to a project?
- How do I link a DMP to a project?
Module Infrastructure
Module Organisations
Research Explorer
More tips
- GISMO: module CV (Funding / GISMO)
- GISMO: Module Project - research results (Funding / GISMO)
Translated tip
Last modified Nov. 25, 2024, 7:46 a.m.