GISMO: Research Explorer
GISMO is the Ghent University research information system. This system supports two aims: (1) database of all research related information (researchers with their career details and expertise, projects, publications and other types of output, research activities, equipment etc.) and (2) support/streamlining research related workflows (application and management of research proposals, registration and management of research output and activities, reporting etc.).
Since January 2021, GISMO also forms the basis of a portal on Ghent University research, the Research Explorer - accessible via Through this portal, internal and external interested parties can search for researchers at Ghent University, their expertise and output. As GISMO gathers more and higher quality data, the portal will be expanded with new information.
What does the research explorer show?
- Researchers:
- The explorer shows a profile page for (historical and current) researchers. People are shown if they have been flagged as 'researcher' (according to the definition of the Flemish government). If you feel that you have been erroneously included or omitted you are always welcome to contact the GISMO helpdesk.
- The profile page contains basic info about research (expertise, research disciplines, link to bibliography and ORCID), affiliations with department and SVO (cf. infra) and minimal contact details (email and phone number).
- The explorer uses your preferred name.
- Editing your phone number: via SAP MyApps
- At the level of a person, the Activities tab is only displayed to the extent that activities have been entered via GISMO. The same applies to Awards/distinctions.
- Keywords (for expertise), research disciplines, Other academic online profiles (X, Instagram, LinkedIn, personal webpage) and bio can be managed using the Person module in GISMO.
- Your affiliation with the formal organisational chart of Ghent University, ie. departments (or university services), and membership of specific research units (can be managed by the group leader using the Organisations module)
- Organisations:
- Formal organisational structure of departments
- Informal structure of research units, both strategic (e.g. IOF Business Development Centres, IDC, Core Facilities) and decentral collaborative research units (SVO) - managed via the Organisation module in GISMO
- Projects:
- Only projects are shown that are present in the GISMO database, that have not been characterised as 'secret' and of which certain parts of the metadata are complete (i.e. the same projects that are also shown by the FRIS portal - note: so only projects since 2008!). Since December 2024 (some) 'externally managed' projects are also displayed (see plus icon) as well as doctoral projects (see academic cap icon).
- The overview of publications within the framework of a specific project can only be shown if Biblio links publications to this project.
- Research team: overview of people linked to the project. Are people missing in the Research team? Send a message to GISMO helpdesk so we can add them for you. Since December 2024 this tab also shows external partners (as organisations) and SVO.
- This research tip might also be relevant: Why can I not find my project in the research explorer or Biblio?
- Research infrastructure:
From the beginning of 2024, all validated sheets of 'active' (i.e. the end date for commissioning has not been reached) research infrastructure will be visible for internal and external use in the research explorer.
The fact that a sheet is visible in the research explorer does not imply that access or use of the research infrastructure is open to everyone. The access and use policy is stated separately in the sheet.
Comments on the content of the Research Explorer can be submitted via the contact form.
More tips
- Biblio: how to register publications? (Publish)
- Biblio: Which classification is used in Biblio for publications? (Publish)
- GISMO: expertise and keywords (Funding / GISMO)
- GISMO: module Project - doctoral projects (Funding / GISMO)
- GISMO: module Project - Externally managed projects (Funding / GISMO)
- GISMO: register and manage collaborative research units (SVOs) (Funding / GISMO)
- GISMO: register and manage research infrastructure (Funding / GISMO)
- GISMO: research discipline codes (Funding / GISMO)
Translated tip
Last modified Jan. 22, 2025, 3:32 p.m.