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Citing: how to

The information below has been translated from "Citeer" on Studentenportaal (Dutch).


When you copy literal phrasings of another author (or your own, previous work), you're citing another text. Some quick guidelines:

  • Always use quotation marks: "..."
  • Refer to the source immediately after the citation
  • If you use a footnote reference style, also add the page number
  • Is it a citation of 40 words or more? Then it's a block quote. Block quotes start on a new line, are indented, and don't need quotation marks


There are some advantages to citing:

  • You can cite others to support your own thesis
  • You can focus on the way the author phrases their findings
  • You can contrast what the author claims with what you claim
  • Citing puts the emphasis on the researcher and not their findings

But there are downsides as well:

  • It's harder to foreground your own voice
  • It's not ideal for the flow of your text

Source reference

Studentenportaal. "Citeer." Universiteit Gent. Accessed 8 Aug. 2022.

More tips

Translated tip

Last modified Aug. 30, 2024, 11:22 a.m.